Sunday, October 7, 2018

Ninth Annual FMS Scarelicious October Movie Series: #4 All The Boys Love Mandy Lane

In this pretty terrible slasher-ish flick, shy girl high schooler Mandy Lane got hot over the summer and all of a sudden the cool kids want to hang out with her, to the chagrin of her former nerdy BFF, Emmett.  She goes off with them for a weekend at Red's family ranch, out in the middle of East Nowhere; the group is a bunch of horror movie stereotypes: Red, kind of a loser but rich; Chloe, blonde bimbo; Byrd, nice guy and the only African-American; Jake, good-looking and full of himself; Marlon, brunette bimbo and super-promiscuous.  All the boys hit on Mandy incessantly and, for a shy girl, she fends them off capably; she does catch her breath for a moment when the hot ranch hand, Garth (omg they named him "Garth"), shows up.  There is much partying and drinking and doing of drugs and having of sex among the teenagers and then they start getting picked off one by one: Marlon, then Jake, then Byrd, etc., etc.

NOTE:  After Byrd gets killed - and the killer is revealed, about halfway through the film - my notes read, "This movie sucks & is stupid."

There is a bit of a twist that I should have seen coming, even though it makes very little sense character-wise, but really, to be honest, the most ridiculous part of the whole movie (and there are a lot of ridiculous parts) is that Mandy has no trouble driving a standard-shift truck.

Amber Heard is Mandy (and boy, she is really pretty); Edwin Hodge is Byrd (Edwin played "Wade" on Cougar Town and is also a Purge cast member); Anson Mount, of the universally-panned Inhumans, is Garth, god help him.  Seriously, I can't recommend this flick at all.  It's dumb and not at all scary and I'm not surprised that it disappeared for seven years between its original festival debut and then its wide release.  Meh.

Image result for all the boys love mandy lane

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