After relieving Tulip of her gun, Viktor's goons take her to his mansion. They leave her to wait in Viktor's. From behind closed doors come three men's voices: two talking, one screaming. Viktor comes out of the screaming room (he was NOT the one screaming) and just stares at Tulip: "So, what are we going to do with you?" She can't meet his eyes and is struggling not to burst into tears. Meanwhile, Jesse has made his way to Dennis's place where he catches Cassidy up on his first night's search for God adventures, and Cassidy too-subtly tries to get Jesse worried that Tulip is gone. Jesse's all, eh, we're in a fight, it's not unlike her to disappear. He goes to take a nap while Cassidy frets.
Also meanwhile, down in Hell, the cellblock software running the inmates' individual hell scenarios is glitching. Everyone comes out of their cells and mills about in the corridor. [I feel like I should be able to pick out various denizens: there's Tyler, an 80s frat boy, a gypsy woman (whom Eugene defends when the fratboy harasses her), a woman in cat-eye glasses and pearls, a flapper ... and Hitler, of course. Hitler is quite pleasant, actually, sticking up for Eugene when the fratboy comes for him, and then inviting the boy into his cell when Eugene gets locked out of his own. Curious to see what Hitler's worst memory might be, Eugene goes in: Munich 1919, Hitler is having lunch with a pretty lady friend in a genteel cafe, where she encourages him to show his paintings to a potential patron and, when a yarmulke-wearing man bumps Hitler's chair, the future Fuhrer apologizes first, saying it must have been his fault. The software glitch shuts the memory scenario down before things progress, leaving Eugene all, WTF? That's your worst memory? You're awfully nice for fucking Hitler!
Viktor's house. Now Tulip is actually in tears. Viktor hands her a tissue and tells her to stop crying because that isn't going to fix things. He says, "I brought you in, trusted you, made you a part of my family. And in return you made a fool out of me." He tells her that she better think of an explanation better than "I'm sorry" because that won't fix things either, suggesting that she walk around the house and get a grip on how things stand. (Meanwhile, Cassidy is incessantly texting her: RU OK?)
Jesse and Cassidy. After watching a post-Hurricane Katrina infomercial, Jesse and Cassidy recognize one of the actors as the guy who played Fake God back in the church at Annville. They decide their best/only lead is to track him down. Also, Cassidy again tries to get Jesse interested in where Tulip might be but Jesse again shrugs it off, saying that since they're in a fight, she's off bein' mad at him - shoppin', shopliftin', cheatin' at cards.
Hell. The Hell cellblock administrator calls in a tech who says the repair will take a while, maybe a full reset. She orders Eugene out of his cell (and the tech gives him a funny look when he goes, like maybe this glitch is happening for a reason) and takes him to her office. She gets a phone call, which on second viewing I realize is about the Saint of Killers: "[her side of the call] What do you mean he's gone? How could that happen? Who let him out? Well, someone better find him or we'll have to answer to You-Know-Who." After she hangs up, she tells Eugene that she has reviewed his hell scenario and says that he seems like a nice, sweet, kind, loyal boy - and that Hell has no place for that sort of behavior: "This is Hell. Act accordingly. We will be watching." If he keeps it up, she'll put him in the Hole; the enormous guard pries up a manhole cover in the floor - entrance to the Hole - and Eugene cringes at the screams and wails and growls wafting up out of it. In the meantime, she'll put him in Holding with the rest of his cellblock.
Viktor's house. Tulip walks around, trying to talk with goons playing poker, goons and cooks in the kitchen, Viktor's young daughter even, and they all give her the cold shoulder. The little girl even spits at her and says she hopes her father kills her. Tulip seems stricken. But she is still resourceful, trying to break into a gun safe. One of Viktor's goons catches her, smirking that they changed the combination after she left, so it just takes her three or four punches to knock him out and grab his gun instead. Thus armed, Tulip heads upstairs. She finds Viktor in his bedroom and gets the drop on him. But before she can do whatever she's intending to do, the torturer from downstairs sneaks up behind her and knocks her down. The torturer offers to take care of things but Viktor waves him off, saying he'll handle Tulip. Lying on the floor, she can just shake her head, nose streaming blood.
Jesse and Cassidy. The boys track down the Fake God actor to his agent and, when Cassidy says that they're casting for a Game of Thrones recurring part (possibly series regular), the guy plays right into their hands. Of course, the agent doesn't actually know where the actor is - he disappeared several weeks ago after the last gig he booked, "an out-of-town understudy part," you know, GOD - but he does give them a copy of the guy's audition tape. When they watch it, the most notable part about it is that at the end, after the off-camera people tell him he is hired, they shoot him dead. Cassidy's a little shocked but Jesse's all, well, guess he had to die for them to get him to Heaven. There's a glimpse of the shooter's hand in the frame and Jesse homes right in on that, trying to figure out how to identify the shooter from just that shot.
Hell. In Holding, Hitler continues to be friendly and nice to Eugene, baffling the boy. But then the fratboy gets in Hitler's face and knocks him down, beating him. Eugene watches in horror as the rest of the group joins him, stomping Hitler bloody as he cowers on the floor. Eugene stands up and shouts at everyone to stop. Then he takes a quick look at the closed-circuit camera in the corner of the room, and remembers that the administrator said she was watching, and then Eugene joins him, stomping and kicking and beating the one person who has been kind to him in Hell.
Jesse and Cassidy. Cassidy finally gets through to Jesse that Tulip might be in trouble. The vampire is all, but she made me promise not to tell. Jesse grabs him by the shirt: where is she?!?
Viktor's house. Jesse wastes no time using the Voice, gaining entrance to the mansion easily. The torturer catches him unawares but when Jesse regains consciousness, a pretty epic smackdown between the two of them gets underway. Jesse can't use the Voice on the torturer because the guy is wearing earbuds (blasting "Uptown Girl" by Billy Joel of all ridiculous songs). Their fight goes on much longer than one might think - particularly since one might think it would be fairly easy for those earbuds to be dislodged or yanked out - but Jesse finally prevails, impaling the other guy. Just before he croaks, the torturer gasps out that Tulip is in the bedroom.
Jesse marches upstairs and kicks in Viktor's bedroom door. Viktor and Tulip are sitting (innocently, all clothed) on the bed but Jesse grabs Viktor around the neck, dragging him to the floor and choking him. Tulip's all, Jesse, stop! Stop! Nothing is getting through, however, so she steels herself and admits, "Jesse, you can't kill him. He's my husband." And Jesse, not loosening his grip much at all, gives her some SERIOUS side-eye at that.
Road into New Orleans. All that Voice-shouting has caught someone's attention. The Saint of Killers is closing in.
Previously on Preacher / next time on Preacher
9 hours ago
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