- Lucifer and The Witcher have been put on hold. The former is fluffy entertainment that I will go back to from time to time, when I don't want to have to think. The latter just didn't grab me although apparently everyone else with a Netflix subscription thought it was amazeballs.
- I haven't been back to Legion yet.
- Having watched both seasons of Castle Rock, I need to know if NOS4A2 is any good (to keep with the Stephen King theme). I don't have HBO so I haven't seen The Outsider but I do hear good things about that.
- I got fed up with S3 of The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina after four (?) episodes. I find the title character insufferable.
- Legends of Tomorrow still makes me happy.
- I'm cruising through Locke and Key on Netflix. I like it pretty well. I read the first two (?) trade paperbacks of the comics ages ago but don't recall them well so I'm not sure how the show stacks up against the source material.
- I'm reading (again) The Expanse series. I think I only read the first four books and have several more ahead of me to catch up on. I'm also watching S4 of The Expanse. I think it's really well done.
- And finally, I had to travel back east and managed to get caught up on my superhero movies on the planes: Avengers: Endgame and Spider-Man: Far from Home. I still believe that Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse is the best Spider-Man movie out there and also a contender for best superhero movie. I did tear up a little at Endgame, however, as I'm only human.
6 hours ago