I've also watched, and loved, Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse. I watch all the Marvel superhero movies but I don't read comics, so my knowledge of Spider-Man lore is broad strokes at best. But that didn't matter. Into the Spiderverse is a fantastic superhero movie and a damn fine movie even without the genre tag. It is funny, heart-breaking and never lets up for a moment. The voice cast is phenomenal - Mahershala Ali! Hailey Steinfeld! Chris Pine! Kathryn Hahn! Lauren Velez! Lily Tomlin! Nic Cage! Liev Schreiber! and the perfectly-cast Jake Johnson! - and the movie simply gorgeous. You've never seen visuals like that in a superhero movie. I plan on watching it again soon because I'm sure I missed a bunch, just sitting there agog.