Monday, October 25, 2021

Twelfth Annual FMS Scarelicious October Movie Series: #11: Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter

I watched the first and second Friday the 13ths back in 2010, and the third (3D) one in 2013.  Given the gap of eight years, at least I'm watching them in order.  By all accounts, however, this is the last good installment of F13, so maybe I won't seek out later ones.  On the plus side, this fourth - and not at all final - chapter has a baby Corey Feldman and a youthful Crispin Glover, who was pretty cute in 1984 but who soon proves that he has been a total freak right from the beginning.

Here's the plot, which picks up immediately after the events of #3, with police and ambulances collecting all the bodies, including Jason's.  They take his "corpse" to the hospital - wheeling it right in the front door, for hell's sake - and take it to the morgue.  The morgue attendant is too busy trying to make time with the cute nurse to notice Jason's reanimation.  He kills the morgue attendant and then the nurse, and then a chubby hitchhiker the next day on his way back to Crystal Lake.

Meanwhile, at Crystal Lake (I guess, although GOSH I might vacation elsewhere if there had been that many recent murders), Mrs. Jarvis, her 20-something daughter Trish and young son Tommy (Corey Feldman), plus Gordon the golden retriever, have moved in for the summer.  At the rental right next door, six horny teenagers/early 20-somethings show up for some R&R, wasting no time going skinny-dipping.  They meet up with two cute-and-horny twins and soon the party starts.  Also, Trish and Tommy meet Rob out on a country lane: he is ostensibly a hunter but he's really out there because his sister was one of Jason's victims.  All of this, by the way, is pretty decent character-development for a slasher.

And then the killings start.  This F13 has a fairly high body count: thirteen!  There is also a LOT of people crashing through windows (including poor Gordon), either being tossed through them by Jason or diving through trying to escape Jason.  As far as Final Girls go, Trish does a whole bunch of screaming but also does a good job of fighting back.  And while I seriously question that Tommy would take the time mid-massacre to shave his goddamn head, he does rally something fierce and save his big sister with a well-placed machete to Jason's head.  It's apparent that poor Tommy is going to have some serious issues in the years to come.

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