Saturday, October 9, 2021

Twelfth Annual FMS Scarelicious October Movie Series: #5 Happy Death Day

I'm going to attempt to post a movie every other day ... we'll see how long I can keep it up.

Groundhog Day is one of Mr. Mouse's and my favorite movies.  Happy Death Day is a horror-comedy riff on that high concept: Birthday girl Tree is a bit of a bitch: snooty sorority sister, mean girl, nasty to her roommate, ignoring calls from her dad, having an affair with a married professor (who is rather a git, imho).  On the night of her birthday, she gets stabbed by a hooded, masked assailant - and then wakes up the next morning, in the dorm room of the same kid she had hooked up with the night before, and relives the day of her birthday again.  When she gets stabbed to death again, and wakes up in Carter's bed again, she remembers what happened to her.  At first she is convinced she is losing her mind; as the day keeps replaying itself, she starts to solve her own murder in an attempt to get out of the loop.

See?  Just like Groundhog Day, down to the part where Tree also tries to become a better person as she's given chance after chance.  There is one difference, however: each time she comes back she is a little weaker, so she may not have infinite days of return.  

In spite of myself, I found this movie charming and fun, especially once she starts to solve her own murder.  I didn't know much about it going in - thought it was going to be more slashery and not PG-13; it really felt like a movie-length Buffy episode (not that there's anything wrong with that).  Jessica Rothe, who plays Tree, is pretty good.  She's Blake Lively-light, pretty, charming, unafraid to be a little goofy or awkward.

Final thought: Tree goes to Bayfield College and the mascot is the Bayfield Baby.  I know it's a joke but omg that's AWFUL.

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