Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Eleventh Annual FMS Scarelicious October Movie Series: #4 Slugs: the Movie

So, Slugs: the Movie.  The very first thing I wrote down when I started watching was: I do not have high hopes for this one.  Little did I realize that this B movie is SO BAD that it became a cult favorite - best watched in a group with party-type substances, I suspect.  Also, it's based on a novel (!) and there was supposed to be a sequel (!!) based on the book's sequel (!!!), but that has sadly never materialized.

Here's your plot in a nutshell: a small midwestern town becomes infested with carnivorous - but small and slow-moving -  slugs that mutated from being exposed to a toxic waste dump.  Yes, this is a 1980s toxic waste movie.  The county health inspector (how often do guys like that get to be the heroes, amirite?) is in a fight for his life, trying to save the town.  Too bad the mayor, the water district manager, the sheriff and the sleazy real estate developers don't believe him.

You will notice that the acting is terrible and the dialogue is worse ("I liked them.  They were nice people.") - and much of it is dubbed because this is a Spanish/American joint, filmed both in Lyons, New York, and Madrid.  Most of the actors are Spanish, playing Americans.  The music is relentlessly generic.  The hero's name is "Mike Brady" but he isn't the father of a blended family of six.  There is a LOL closeup of a slug with teeth.

What is absolutely AMAZING is how it turns into a schlock- and gore-fest.  From some random gardener chopping off his hand to dislodge a slug (and then it all escalates very quickly, with both him and his wife dying as the greenhouse explodes), to the horny teenagers getting eaten alive by thousands of [small and slow-moving] slugs, to the exploding eyeballs filled with baby sluglettes, there are literally gallons of fake blood splashed across this flick.  And you can't not appreciate that.

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