Saturday, February 23, 2013

Well, that week sort of got away from me

Excuses, excuses: I really intended to have the recap for The Walking Dead up before now ... I don't know what happened.  Time just really got away from me, plus this last episode is more talking than walking and since TWD's dialogue is just not that compelling, it's not like I've been super-motivated to make time for it.  Seriously: other than the Darryl parts and the last five minutes, it's all blah-blah-blah.  But we'll get to that, I do promise.

In the meantime I've been revisiting all my Bloom County comics collections which I love dearly (but am frankly having a difficult time recalling all those 1980s political references) and I read The Story of Edward Sawtelle which I'll briefly review here at some point.  In a nutshell: it's a very good book but has a majorly bummer ending.

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